Saturday, December 28, 2019

MN7181 - People & Organization - Employee Engagement in Banking Sales Units

Image result for employee engagement

Introduction to employee  Engagement 

Employee  engagement could be seen & happen  as commitment of employees  towards Organization & to their work ( Profession .) Many scholar have many debates on born of this concept  this that  engagement implies to commitment  towards profession and some may argue that engagement born as the commitment towards organizational goals .
As relatively this theory is quite new to scholars , still could not find  qualitative  or quantitative ample research data .Following discussion focus on employee engagement definitions & effects of engagement towards organizational success .

Definition of employee Engagement 

  • According to Global work force study ( 2003 ) , employees willingness and ability to help the company succeed largely by providing discretionary efforts on a sustainable basis .according to the study , engagement is effected by ,many factors which involved both emotional & rational factors relatively to work and overall work experience .
  • Robinson et al. (2004) define employee engagement as “a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its value. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee.” 
  • Gallup organization defines employee engagement as the involvement with and enthusiasm for work. Gallup as cited by Dernovsek (2008) likens employee engagement to a positive employees’ emotional attachment and employees’ commitment.
  • This verdict and definition forwarded by Institute of Employment Studies gives a clear insight that employee engagement is the result of two-way relationship between employer and employee pointing out that there are things to be done by both sides  
  • it happens when people are committed to their work and to the Organization (Armstrong ,  2017)
  • For practitioners it has become an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employers can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees . ( CIPD, 2012 ) 

Situational Analysis of Employment engagement in Banking Sales Unit as a behavioral  approach . 

Image result for employee engagement

As detailed in above definitions , employment engagement is arise as a result of highly motivation and employee willingness and ability to help organization to achieve its corporate goals .
Sales Teams are usually drive with high level of motivational aspects & consistence drive for targets .As such Sales Team ,  it self creates a autonomous work flow process to stimulate this thrive condition with the involvement of senior team members of the Unit or Group with a structured approach and Culture .
Banking Sales cultures inherits with certain values and ethics where  employee engagement has been planted on it .Leaders are tend to be create with in engagement module and subordinates are advice to be volunteering advice for young team members of the value of employee engagement .Success or rather achieving sales numbers could be done only as working as the a Team and with shared values .
This tradition has been passed from generation to generation with involvement of employee engagement .
Senior members of the sales team usually work on extra hours in weekdays and even on  week end days  with out any incentive or allowance to train their team members , to distribute product knowledge , train sales techniques. Seniors consider young people has part of their children and groom for better sales modules with out any hesitation or complain they tend to sacrifice their time and money .


Self Reflection 

Employee engagement is a newly produced idea of HRM and many organizations are keenly investing resources for improvements .Definitions have been forwarded by institutes more than individual scholars noted .Employee engagement could be predict as employee self actualization of the company and profession .This activity is vital for each and every organization to be success and drive for excellence .To effect employee engagement its is important to have better communication scope for both employees and all stake holders of the organization . Active engagement is a vital for sustainable growth of the company and employees who depends with engagement & where Staff are work on volunteer for work and progress for the  organizational activities and success .Many factors are effecting to this nature to be established  ( Employee engagement ) & following could be recognized as key effective ,

  • Environment 
  • Leadership 
  • Job 
  • Individual factors .
Highly employment engagement would result following key indicator increase in any organization or Group , 
  • Employee retention 
  • higher productivity and always exceed budgeted profits 
  • Increase in brand  recognition 
  • Employee mind of Great place to work 
  • Higher CSR Initiatives intends from employees  
  • Higher efficiency  


  • Accord Management Systems. (2004). Employee Engagement Strategy: A Strategy of Analysis to Move from Employee Satisfaction to Engagement. [Online] Available: (March 3, 2009) 
  • Dernovsek D. (2008). Creating highly engaged and committed employee starts at the top and ends at the bottom line Credit Union Magazine, May 2008. Credit Union National Association, Inc . 
  • Armstrong M .( 2017 ) 
  • kevin cruize. (2019). what is employee engagement. [Online Video]. 27 December 2019. Available from: [Accessed: 27 December 2019].
  • What great employee engagement looks like. (2019). [Online Video]. 2 December 2019. Available from: [Accessed: 27 December 2019].
  • ( CIPD ) , 2012 


  1. Although the concepts of employee engagement and job satisfaction are interrelated, they are not synonymous. Satisfaction is about the employee being happy with their job or organization. Satisfaction is an attitude, like organizational loyalty or pride. Engagement is about the employee being actively invested in their work and the value they add to the organization. Engagement predicts satisfaction, as well as many other concrete organizational results.

  2. You have clearly explained the practical scenario Of employee engagement in banking sector.

  3. You have clearly explained about Employee Engagement in banking era.very informative article.great.

  4. I believe that if your employees are not happy, your work will not be the best. Employee satisfaction is a big factor in your customer's journey as well. Great article

  5. In many banks, back-office and support staff feel disconnected from customers and the business strategy as a whole. Evidence that employees were strongly engaged with the bank’s overall performance and success showed that the Bank was well-positioned to successfully align all aspects of the organization toward serving the customer. as per these employee engagement is a major role play witch should have a stronger hold in banking sector

  6. According to the studies, engagement is affected by many factors which involve both emotional and rational factors relating to work and the overall work experience (Sridevi, 2010).

  7. Gained good knowledge about employee relations in banking sector! Thanks for this aricle!

  8. Rasika I think you are wasting too many words for the definitions. It is wiser to concentrate on the applicability of the basics into your context of the industry. You are not expected to exceed the word count though it is very difficult to manage with a word count of 350.

  9. you have clearly explained about employee relations in banking sector. good article

  10. When it comes to the sales culture, the most significant factor of its' success is employees engagement! Although there is a major impact of employees' attitudes towards their job to this concept, the management can influence & can get engaged the employees to achieve their budgeted targets by paying incentives & other fringe benefits.


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