Sunday, January 5, 2020

MN 7181 - People & Organization - Culture - As a back bone of Continuation of a banking Sales Unit

Organizational Culture in word collage

Organizational Culture or rather an Artifact ( Visible product of the group )  of bigger term Culture , has been exposed to many research reviews and findings .Public perception on culture may reflect and address  only the surface or might be not more than an observational  description of  surface of a Lilly pond .But true values , norms and behaviors could be dig only by peeling off this onion with careful attention to all its blocks .Long term understanding , Simulation success or virtual realities, early life long learning through success and failure  are true root  course of all behind the term Organizational culture .
This blog peeps into in depth understanding of the Culture and relates perspectives with banking sales culture evaluation .

Definitions of culture 

Cultural definitions have been defined with different perspectives based on scopes and environments  such as , 

  • Values , Patterns & norms approach 
  • Religious , Ethnic , Organizational approach 

Definitions of Culture 

  • According to hofsted G , ( 1984 ) National cultural patterns are highly effected to Quality of Life of people
  •  ‘Culture ... is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Avruch , (1998)
  • culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other, as conditional elements of future action.’Jahoda, G., 2012. Critical reflections on some recent definitions of “culture”. culture & psychology18(3), pp.289-303.: 181
  •  Adler ,  ( 1997 ) , Culture consists of the derivatives of experience, more or less organized, learned or created by the individuals of a population, including those images or encodements and their interpretations (meanings) transmitted from past generations, from contemporaries, or formed by individuals themselves.’
  •  Hofstede G ,  ( 1994) the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next.
  • By culture I mean the shared beliefs top managers have about how they should manage themselves and other employees , and how they should conduct business  ( Lorsch, 1986 :95 )  

Resource : Tim Kuppler. (2020). What is culture. [Online Video]. 3 March 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 5 January 2020

Situational picture & Reflection 

Banking sales units have been establishing and evaluating since early 2000 with the intention of aggressive canvassing of Retail clients for  structured Retail products such as Credit Cards / Consumer Loans & Housing loans .Central Sales Units were basically established ( Colombo & suburbs areas )  As Teams members  of 10- 15 members .
A Sales Team comprised with Team Leader & Assistant Team Leader & few Senior Hands.
High employee turn over has been witnessed in this module & it was introduced strong cultural aspects  to these modules in order to keep the employee with the Bank & keep on aggressive canvassing the Clients to structured portfolios .


  • According to Avuruch J ( 1998 ) , introducing of knowledge to new Comers , customs that should be practiced from seniors & juniors were laid down .These Values have been the back bone of the continuation of such sales modules .
  • Seniors were gather at every evening to share their experiences among new comers to boost  moral and to avoid possible difficult situations .
  • Further Top Managers & middle managers have founded main key points which has  laid down with the support of  certain ethics  at team Management .
  • Currently , These Team Management Concepts are been passed to each & every member who promoted to middle Management such as Sub Team Leader & Team Leader 


  • Tim Kuppler. (2020). What is culture. [Online Video]. 3 March 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 5 January 2020].
  • Hofstede, G., 1984. The cultural relativity of the quality of life concept. Academy of Management review9(3), pp.389-398.
  • Hara, K., Yonezawa, K., Weng, Q.P., Kozlowski, M.T., Belham, C. and Avruch, J., 1998.
  • Jahoda, G., 2012. Critical reflections on some recent definitions of “culture”. culture & psychology18(3), pp.289-303.
  • Kirkman, B.L. and Shapiro, D.L., 1997. The impact of cultural values on employee resistance to teams: Toward a model of globalized self-managing work team effectiveness. Academy of Management Review22(3), pp.730-757.
  • Hofstede, G., 1994. Management scientists are human. Management science40(1), pp.4-13.
  • Lorsch, J.W., 1986. Managing Culture: The Invisible Barrier to Strategic Change. California Management Review28(2).


  1. Good elaboration on culture and adding to more to this having a better and supportive organizational culture will lead towards success.

  2. The regulators should be raked over the coals as it is their responsibility to ensure that the banks are lawful and operate in line with community expectations. The very fact that the banks are happy enough to consistently pay settlements speaks volumes at the lack of bite the regulatory bodies in Australia have, or are willing to exercise.

  3. Organization culture you have connected to banking sector and briefly explained.well done.great job.

  4. Adding to this the currently emerging customer first culture personally appreciated by myself, thanks for the article, got some brief understanding.

  5. Like individuals, organizations too have a unique personality that we refer to as ‘culture’. It’s an invisible yet powerful force that drives the thoughts and actions of each of its members. It’s a system of shared values, beliefs, and goals.
    good explanation

  6. Organizational Culture depends with the top level management! Employees must adjust to their culture! good article!

  7. The latter part of blog is interesting as it clearly apply the cultural aspects to your industry. In order to comply with the word count of 350 you will have to reduce the description of the culture at the beginning of blog.

  8. Culture has become a very important foreveryorganization. Well written


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