Saturday, October 26, 2019

MN7181 People and Orgernizations :Priciples and practice in Global Context - Stratetegic Employee Resourcing & Talent Management -

Dismissal and hiring people to work. Talent management


Talent management is about using data from workforce, succession and contingency planning tools to understand what talent exists within the organisation, what talent populations are needed, and the identification of individuals who are particularly valuable to an organization. CIPD 18 Sep 2018

Talent management seeks to attract, identify, develop, engage, retain and deploy individuals who are considered particularly valuable to an organization.


  1. Good writing. Good start. Keep it up.

  2. Rasika,you have done a good job and well explained regarding talent management.Good luck.

  3. Rasika you have well explained the topic. Good start

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Please follow the Harvard reference and citation style.

    to earn good marks please refer to the assessment criteria.

  6. Hi Rasika
    Well related explanation yes Talent Management is a key factor to HRM,and it has direct impact to both organization and to the employee, further you have done a good description on talent management as a business strategy,

  7. Talent management is one of the most sentimental concept which is to be handled by modern HR departments with proper guidelines, transparency to get employees involved in development of performance. You have given us a clear explanation on topic!
    Also you may pay attention to Dr. Razi's instructions.

  8. Talents!! Yes as the name implies we know its kind of hard thing to handle in the aspects of HRM. But with the right strategies of talent management and with right people drive a company towards success.

  9. Talent management process,you have vastly explained about that.good job Rasika.

  10. Its great to see talent management is begin actively brought forward by companies, I personally have experienced this process in the IT sector.

  11. Talent management as business strategy is really worth understanding for successful financial service. Nicely described the application.


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